More about Gentle Yoga
Gentle Yoga is for people with limited mobility and older people. This holistic approach to wellbeing can improve mental and physical health. Regular practice can help with your everyday activities, providing independence into later life. Each class lasts 75 minutes and includes full body mobilisation, strengthening poses, balance improvement, deep breathing and relaxation techniques. The emphasis is on postural alignment and good use of the body. We also explore elements of yoga philosophy, based on some of the ancient texts, such as Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita.
Some standing exercises, with a chair to hold onto for support, are also included towards the end of each class. Alternative, seated exercises are offered for those who cannot stand.
In 2017 a British Wheel of Yoga (BWY) Gentle Years Yoga© team, together with Northumbria University, published research which indicates the benefits of this method. View the research report here.
When searching for a name for this website my friends and I came up with various ideas including: Easy Gentle Yoga, Genteel Yoga and my favourite “It’s Yoga not Yogurt.” After a vote, we settled on Gentle Light Yoga. Why? Gentle Light Yoga does what it says on the tin. Easy, gentle exercises taught with a sense of lightness and fun, using our minds to bring healing light into our bodies as we breathe and move. There is a sense of community. Meeting fellow students is part of the experience. After class we have time for a chat, a great opportunity to make new friends.
For further information, please email Nigel: